Scouts & Camps
Aiming to earn a badge? Seeking an artistic adventure for your camp group? Schedule a visit to engage your learners in a memorable learning experience that includes discussing art, making art, or even singing and dancing! Please ensure that your group includes a minimum of 5 learners and at least 1 adult staff for every 10 learners. Check out our temporary exhibitions to get inspired.
Please complete a tour request form online. We request that you contact us at least 3 weeks in advance for scheduling purposes. Plan for 1-3 hours for your tour, depending on your tour experience. Limiting group size to 60 students or less is encouraged, but accommodations can be made for larger groups. Call (231) 995-1029 or email eceleste@nmc.edu with any questions regarding tours. Ahead of your visit, please read and share the Museum Manners here.
Admission per learner is $5 each for a guided tour. A self-guided visit is $4 per learner. Den leaders, camp staff and chaperones are free admission.
See additional admissions policies here.