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Michigan Watercolor Society 77th Annual Exhibition

June 21 — September 1, 2024

Founded in 1946, The Michigan Water Color Society  is a statewide organization whose mission is to promote a stronger interest and awareness of water media, maintain high standards artistically, and further education of water media in the contemporary arts. As part of their mission, the Michigan Water Color Society holds an annual juried exhibition in different areas of the state, sharing exciting new water media art created by Michigan based artists.

This year’s 77th Annual Exhibition was juried by the nationally renowned award-winning artist, instructor, and juror Stan Kurth. Michigan Water Color Society received 193 submissions from 105 different artists, with 55 being chosen for inclusion. The 30 pieces chosen by the juror to receive awards will later become a Travel Show to be on display at different locations across the state.

Prior to the reception on June 21, there will be a Juror Talk and Awards Presentation in the Milliken auditorium at 5:30 PM.

Michigan Watercolor Society Logo


Artist and workshop instructor Stan Kurth has drawn and painted most of his life. An aunt, who was an artist and art instructor, became a big influence even before he began school. Stan lives with the conviction of “fear not” and that same attitude permeates not just his life but his art. His focus and dedication to his work have earned him signature member status in several watercolor societies including the National Watercolor Society - Master, San Diego Watercolor Society and the Western Federation of Watercolor Societies - Master. He currently lives in Arizona.



A well composed painting gets my attention. At that juncture I might have the pleasure of finding nuances in content. It might be a unique style or technique, brushwork or rendering. It could be color, value or texture in a shape juxtaposed to another. There might be an unusual or intriguing narrative. In both realistic and non-representational paintings, I'm drawn to work that makes a visceral connection from the artist to me. Although technical skill is secondary, most often I find a strong correlation between captivating content and a mastery of the medium.

Having to choose 55 paintings for this exhibition was not an easy task. There were paintings not accepted, which easily could have been chosen by a different juror. As we all know, this business we do is subjective. We each have a personal aesthetic we ascribe to. Initially I selected more than 55 paintings. The final cuts were all good paintings and I encourage those who were not accepted to continue your good work. Paint from the soul.

Congratulations to the artists who were accepted. The paintings chosen are of fine quality and include a wonderful variety of styles and subjects.

 - Stan Kurth, NWS-M, WFWS-M, SDWS, AWA, CWA

Image credit line: Pamela Wlburn, Camouflage. 2023, watercolor. Detail.