Lee Sung Kuen – Interconnected
June 9, 2019 — September 22, 2019
Born in 1954 in Seoul where he currently lives and works, Lee Sung Kuen (pronounced: Lee Sung-Gun) is a leading figure of the Korean Art Scene.
Building a bridge between man and nature, Lee’s work is a perfect illustration of the concept of vital energy (Qi), which is omnipresent in the artistic culture of Eastern Asia. He creates sculptures of primordial shapes that, at first sight, evoke human cells or the notion of fertility. Made out of entangled piano wires, which the artist sometimes brightens up with vivid colors; they establish a dialogue between fullness and emptiness while sustaining the resonance of their initial role. Once suspended in air, the vibrating play of light on the sculptures, and the apparent fusion with their surroundings into one symbiotic unity, bring the ovoid shapes to life.
This exhibition is organized with the Waterfall Gallery, NYC in collaboration with the Marshall Fredericks Sculpture Museum.