Seungmo Park: Meticulously Snipped and Wrapped
May 4–September 7, 2014
Sculptor Seungmo Park from Seoul, Korea creates giant ephemeral portraits and landscape scenes by meticulously cutting layer after layer of wire mesh to create his Maya (meaning “illusion” in Sanskrit) and by wrapping cast forms to create his aluminum wire sculptures.
Seungmo Park’s sculptural works are drawn from models found around him, be that a person, a piano or a motorcycle. He treats them all the same without distinction as to their nature, living or inanimate. Taken into his world, they become a form cast in fiberglass and wrapped in wire to become transformed into his work of art.
Far from these tangible objects that become art, the MAYA are images of illusion rather than material objects. For the MAYA, Park overlaps several layers of steel mesh and rotates them slightly so they are slightly out of line with one another — leaving a space about two finger widths between. He then sketches the contours of the image on steel meshes and cuts them out, creating a three-dimensionality in these contours. Depending on the viewer's standpoint, the images may look transparent, illusory or shadowy.
Learn more about the artist at www.seungmopark.com.
Purchase a book of Seungmo Park's art in the Museum Store.