Jim Hay: Go Where You Are
January 16 - March 27, 2011
This exhibition features the textile work of NMC Alum Jim Hay, an international artist living in Japan and Michigan. Hay received eight major art awards from recent international competitions and has exhibited widely in Japan, America, and throughout Asia. In 2011, Hay's work will be featured in two international traveling exhibitions and a one-person exhibition in Japan.
Hay says of his work:
I live in rural Japan. My studio view of toiling farmers bent over simple tools is more reminiscent of the Limbourg Brothers' "Book of Hours" than the 21st century. Life in such a different country helps cultural concepts focus into high contrast: individuality, conformity, dating, sexuality, happiness, sadness, freedom, frustration, even myth. I cannot know all of the world so I seek within me that which mirrors all.
I usually avoid preliminary drawings and specific expectations. Too conscious a concept for a piece can make that initial time period the only creative part followed by a long period of work. I keep the doors open for continual creative discovery. If I need a bird, I pick up scissors and start cutting. No sketches. I trust. This will be my bird on this day. If I need a red bird, I grab some red cloth, sew it down with blue thread, switch to green. I choose as I go.
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Click here to listen to an Interlochen Public Radio story on this exhibition »