Calculart and CANVAS (Collaborative Advanced Navigation Virtual Art Studio)
January 20 - August 31, 2008
The Dennos Museum Center, in cooperation with the Beckman Institute of the University of Illinois - Urbana Champagne, presents CANVAS. The featured exhibition of CANVAS is Calculart, where mathematical equations become art in a 3-D virtual world.
A CANVAS (Collaborative Advanced Navigation Virtual Art Studio) is a room-sized immersive 3D environment with origins in CAVE technology from the Electronic Visualization Laboratory at the University of Illinois, Chicago. It is scalable, reconfigurable display technology for modern art museums and is not intended as a work itself but as an environment to facilitate the creation and display of immersive art works. CANVAS allows for the creation and presentation of virtual art that exists not in two or three-dimensional space like a painting or sculpture, but in the multi-dimensional world of virtual images. Viewers see the CANVAS in 3D by wearing passive stereo glasses. For more information on CANVAS go to www.isl.uiuc.edu/canvas.
CANVAS was made possible with funding from the National Endowment for the Arts and the Michigan Council for the Arts with the support of the Beckman Institute of the University of Illinois at Urbana Champagne. Media support is provided by TV 7&4.