Romancing the Automobile
September 23, 2007 to January 6, 2008
The romance of the automobile is a powerful one in our society. In this exhibition we invited you to be stimulated by design – the concept car where the designer’s vision leads to the look of the car we drive, the artists who capture that design in the landscape traveled by these elegant machines to heighten our emotional response to the curves in the body of the vehicle. We invited you to take a nostalgic journey via collaged images from the ads of cars with chrome enhanced design, explore crushed metal reliefs capturing auto related imagery and examine the tracks left on the dirt roads traveled by tires propelled by powerful engines.
Featured Artists and Cars:
- Buick Concept Cars: Selections from the Buick Gallery of the Sloan Museum, Flint, Michigan
- Tom Hale: Classic Automobile Paintings
- David Chapple: Classic Automobile Paintings
- Mary Beth Acosta: Automobile collages
- Craig Brigham: Race Engine Art on Metal
- Ron Gianola: Car design concepts
- Robert Rauschenberg: Tracks